St. Patrick’s Day--the time of year when lads and lasses deck themselves in green, dance Irish jigs in the streets, and sing Danny Boy at the bars, while toasting to the luck of the Irish. Whether you’re Irish by birth, or just Irish by attitude, join thousands of these lucky leprechauns for a day of carousing and cheers-ing on Saturday, March 15th.
2PM-10PM, Saturday, March 15th, 2025
$15 early bird tickets by signing up online. $40 day of event.
A signature Shamrock mug, amazing specials, cover-free access to some of South Side's best bars, raffle entry for great prizes and free pictures of the event!
Yes, you can sign up at the door. We recommend buying tickets online, as tickets will be more expensive the day of the event. You can sign up here.
Check-in will take place between 2PM and 4:30PM.
No, tickets at the door are dependent on capacity of the event.
Sorry, you must be 21+ to join in on the Pittsburgh Shamrock Crawl fun. Please bring proper identification.
Yes, most establishments participating in the crawl serve food and will have food specials available throughout the day.
If you are not taking public transportation, please do NOT drink and drive! Have a designated driver ready to pick you up.